The Correct way to use VWAP in your Trading
hello everybody and welcome to another video on the bits 7 cryptocurrency exchange platform today we’re gonna be talking about trading everything from setting up your account making your deposit making a trade and then selling the very end so how do we get started if you do not already have an account it’s really easy to sign up it’s very secure and then the top right corner you will see an option to sign in or to register you’d have a simply click on the register button input your name or a placeholder name and email address as well as a spurt and I will take you right to this leveraged trading screen app that’s up which will then send you to this kind of trading window now it has everything you need you have this really simple simple to read chart here your order book your recent trades and your positions at the bottom on the right hand side it’s really where the magic happens it’s a where you can make transactions everything from listening out your wallet you making purchases and make your sales so out of the very first thing you need to do is top up your wallet and get ready to trade right and bit seven makes it super simple you simply go to account at the top here or this deposit button right down here which will take you to this point deposit now bit 7 they accept deposits in Bitcoin what is really easy and the way they’ve laid it out is really simple because in this market info a section right here they have listed out all these are a variety of platforms according by country that you can make purchases in Bitcoin to update your wallet so for example I’m from the US so I’m going to be using Gemini that links you directly to gem and I would either register you sign in depending if you have it out you make a purchase you update here become your wallet and then you simply need to navigate right back to this deposit section in put the deposit address and you’re ready to go now you’re saying okay weapons ever want to trade in litecoin or something like that right well it’s seven thought of that they have Bitcoin to litecoin options Bitcoin to theory am bitcoins a Bitcoin cash or any other combination as needed so let’s say I want to transfer a Bitcoin into litecoin because we’re gonna be using litecoin today and I want to trade 0.5 bitcoins this is the price per Bitcoin and this is the amount of like coins that you’re gonna receive you hit exchange and then it updates right in your balance so right here you can actually see what’s in my balance Bitcoin etherium litecoin between cash ready to go now let’s say you want to withdraw right you can make a withdraw in Bitcoin you simply put your Bitcoin address here the amount that you want to withdraw a small fee and the amount that you receive you hit withdraw and it will update your wallet immediately so you already set up in your wallet balance you’re ready to trade let’s go to leverage training so now we’re back at this trading window right here and we’re going to again we’re going to focus on this right hand side and you have a balance on your in your wallet right here and again you can trade in Bitcoin aetherium like corn in Bitcoin cash and today we’re using likely so I’m going to walk through just what this UI really provides and then we’re gonna make a transaction together so again you have your balance either minimum you’re allowed to trade at one time in which this is 0.1 litecoin or 500 a maximum is 500 light coins and then the next is this place order screen in which you have an option here they have a confirmation on or off I always keep it on because you need to have it on and I like that kind of security I also like that kind of both will download the purchase you have two options for placing orders market and limit and market makes a purchase at the market price which with its seven their market price is pre established as a average between the pull and I X and a bit fine X now these are two of the biggest indexes secure price to really secure amount and you’re really not worrying about you know pumping and dumping in any of the nonsense so we’re talking about market you input the amount and you make a purchase and it immediately appears in your positional window right here now limit is you’re kind of creating a limit at what purchase you would what price you would like to make the purchase and then if that gets realized it will transition from this open orders window here down into your positions window here though you’re kind of just you know really kind of estimating and you’re not making media transaction you’re making a transaction at a price that you’re comfortable with now it’s seven gives two options in purchasing right you can buy up which means that the price is gonna go up or otherwise known as buying long or you can make a buy order at going down in which you’re guessing that be or you’re hoping or estimating that the price will go down it’s also called selling short and you can actually hold both these positions on the same coin at the same time in case you’re playing with leverages or something of this art another great option that it seven provides is auto selling here in which it would automatically sell at 100 or 200 or 300 percent 100 200 300 right here and the auto sell and profit reaches 300 percent so we’ve certainly said have it set at 300 and I can turn it on which is on and I’ll keep it on just to remember that your order your position will automatically sell 248 hours or 10 days since you last place the purchase you loss plays the bird just remember that your position will automatically sell 248 hours or 10 days since the last purchase now leverage leverage is a great option you know it’s one of the great greatest things with these kind of platforms and greatest things if the currency exchanges and law firms is that kind of hoping for this extra extra profit so this leverage for example I have it set at 10 percent 10 times which means that every penny that I make I will actually make 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